Blog Archive
- Two souls drift, and move together........
- कुछ चुनिंदा शेर ........
- Can we go there again... .???
- this one is very special for me...... !!!!!
- You Mustn't Quit....
- Don't ever stop dreaming your dreams....
- A Reason and a promise.... !
- This one inspires me the most........
- All about love..... (an old email ... ) Edited fo...
- When I am alone.. with the beating of my heart...
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Two souls drift, and move together........
Two souls drift, and move together, apart
As the pull of the moon on the tides bring the sea up on the beach
it also brings you into reach
Only to pull you away again
With a power too great to comprehend
And the sun draws the flower into its own warm light
Causing petals to open and catch the rays
As I'm drawn to you in some haunting way
In thought and form I find your light
And bask in warmth
Fires glowing embers fade, and wane
But do not die with patience, caring
Enough to turn one luminous coal
Into a raging blaze between lost souls
Pushing back the velvet night
Brilliant circle of fickle light
As with love that flickers, fades
To burst forth into flame again
Recollections of you have kept a spark
Burning in the deepest recesses of my heart
And away you went, again so soon....
Just like the tides,The pull of the moon.
I am living my days, still spellbound...
trying to still feel you around.. .....
Saturday, May 17, 2008
कुछ चुनिंदा शेर ........
और होश भी वो होश की दीवाना बना दे
हम खून-ऐ-जिगर पी के चले जायेंगे साकी
ले शीशा-ऐ दिल तोड़ के पैमाना बना दे ....
उनके रुखसार पे बहते हुए आंसू तौबा ,
हमने शोलों पे मचलते हुए शबनम देखे
जब से उन्हें ये मालूम हुआ कि हम उनकी अदा पे मरते हैं ,
वो हर रोज़ बड़ी अदा से अपनी अदा बदलते हैं .....
the better ones......
मुझको अच्छा नहीं लगता कोई हमनाम तेरा ,
कोइ तुझसा हो पहले फिर नाम भी तुझसा रखे
मेहरबान हो के बुला लो चाहो जिस वक्त ,
मैं गया वक्त नहीं हूँ , जो लौट के आ भी न सकूं
सहरा में मेरे हाल पे कोई भी ना रोया ,
गर फूट के रोया ,वो मेरे पाँव का छाला था
Friday, May 16, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
this one is very special for me...... !!!!!
You Mustn't Quit....
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest! if you must-but never quit.
Life is queer, with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won if he'd stuck it out;
Stick to your task, though the pace seems slow,
You may succeed with one more blow.
Success is failure turned inside out,
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt.
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems afar;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit..
It's when things seem worst that
You Mustn't Quit!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Don't ever stop dreaming your dreams....
Dont exactly remember , where did i get this poem from.... but it has been a good read and an inspiration for me always. At times when i felt down... these kind of readings have helped me a lot.... and now there is something very special about it... :)
Don't ever stop dreaming your dreams....
They're a very essential part of you.
Do whatever you can to make them a reality.
By the course you take, the plans you make
...and all the things you do.
Don't dwell on past mistakes...leave yesterday behind you.
Along with all of its problems, worries and doubts.
Do realize that you can't change the past,
but just ahead is the future...
And you Can do something about that!
Don't try to accomplish everything at once,
life can be difficult enough...
Without adding frustration to the list.
Do travel one step at a time
and reach for one goal at a time.
That's the way to find out what real accomplishment is.
Don't be afraid to try the impossible...
even if others don't think you'll succeed.
Do remember that history is filled with incredible accomplishments...
Of those that others thought were foolish enough to Believe.
And yet they did!
Don't forget that there are many thingsthat are
Wonderful, Rare and Unique about You!
Friday, May 9, 2008
A Reason and a promise.... !
Only a few reasons why I love you,
Are what I am trying to give,
Reasons that our hearts have met,
Reasons why, I want to live.
I want to peek into your soul,
To see the love you have in there,
I want to be the love in your heart,
I want us to be together, everywhere.
Countless, as the stars,
All the reasons I can see,
There is nothing quite as beautiful,
As, you and me.
So the reasons do remain,
Within my heart concealed,
Waiting for you to unlock the door,
So that they may be revealed.
A promise today, and a reason,
The reason is, I love you,
The promise is.......
I always will.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
This one inspires me the most........

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
All about love..... (an old email ... ) Edited for obvious reasons......
When we gaze at a beautiful red rose we see only the narrow spectrum of color which is reflected back at us but the entire spectrum of all the other colors are absorbed by and contained within that same rose. Invisible but still present. Ask a man, blind from birth, to describe a rainbow or a deaf person to sing along to a song on the radio. It is of course impossible for them to do so. However, ask those same people to speak to you of their perceptions of love and you may be amazed at how closely they coincide with your own. We, as human beings, can never fully comprehend the reality perceived by another individual. Therefore we must be careful in our judgments and in the conclusions we draw based on our own perceptions of reality.
Love's reality, like beauty, is held solely in the eyes of the beholder. And love's vision, if we must transpose a physical sense upon a non-physical entity, is crystal clear. It seeks that which coincides appropriately with its own desires. It is not foolproof, nor is it always accurate in striking close to the heart of its target. Nevertheless, it is an essential component of our soul's repertoire and must be given the autonomy it requires to seek out that which holds promise to provide the needed sustenance for its own growth.Love defies generalizations. Poets, philosophers, theologians, and countless others have ascribed their own theories and interpretations but often they still fall short of the goal of capturing the true nature of this unfathomable entity. The strength of love lies in its diversity. It possesses the unique ability to evolve, change, and permutate over the course of our lives. Just as we grow outwardly we must also grow inwardly. Our thoughts, realizations, and perceptions are given credence by our individual experiences on the separate paths we follow in our quest for love. And as love is an integral part of our inner selves, so it must grow and mature as well. It possesses the ability to adapt to its internal as well as its external environment. It not only changes as we change but it also ebbs and flows outwardly dependent on the receptivity of those to whom it is directed.
During certain periods of our lives love may seem to fade or even disappear entirely from our emotional palette. But once conceived it never truly ceases to exist. Love is the ultimate survivor. It has a will to live as strong as the will of its human container. If necessary, it may hibernate, withdraw like a turtle into its shell. When it is rebuffed or rejected by the harshness and cold complacency which can be so common in others, it folds in on itself until which time it again feels safe to venture out into a more nurturing environment. But it does not die.
We say we fall in love but it is a misnomer. We do not fall anywhere. We simply open our hearts and allow the love inside to project its energy towards the heart of another. If it is well received and properly tended, it creates a spiritual bond between the two hearts. However, love is an individualized emotion. It is a part of who we are and just as no two people share the exact same emotional make-up, neither can they share totally identical expressions of their love for one another. The beauty of a strong and viable relationship is seen when two souls meet and the colors of their love complement each other.
We are in love when we can find that fragile state of being where our individual love demands no more than the other person can give and when we can provide the necessary energies to allow them to be fulfilled as well. Love cares nothing for equality but it insists on balance. That balance is possible only when both people are satisfied that their own expectations and needs in a relationship are being adequately provided for. Well.. this seems to getting endless .. infact this can never get to an end…and would probably continue it in next mails… till then .. take care.
When I am alone.. with the beating of my heart...

I remember things too easily forgotten….
I remember things .. I wanted to do… never did…
Yet have spoken about them too often….
Some dreams… which I have kept somewhere …
Never looked back at them…. I remember now…
A little of me.. which could not grow…. As I did…
The kid in me… I remember somehow…
I remember.. I always dreamt of catching a butterfly…
Running after them in those fields…
Lie on the edges of the roof…. Looking at the night’s sky…
Keep trying to count the stars… whatever that yields….
Countless as they were… countless were my dreams..
I ask myself… ask about them…
Then I get a question back from somewhere….
Did you follow them…. ?
Whenever I am alone.. with the beating of my heart…
I remember those dreams… too easily forgotten…
I remember my childhood… that I always kept apart..
As I had to grow with the world and things interwoven…
I still go to those fields and sit alone….
Think what has got into me.. and what it has taken …
The list is long…. And now the pain is enduring…
The heart is not hopeless… but the faith is shaken….
Or I have grown weak…and need a hand that is assuring..
I still dream to fly on my own….
Build my castles…. Count my candies…
Ruled by heart… laugh,cry.. smile and frown….
Its not wise… they keep telling me…
I have grown up now…. And I killed that kid in me…. .
Whenever I am alone.. with the beating of my heart…
I remember… I am guilty for that kid’s untimely death..
Tears roll down my eyes…. I feel condemned….
Yet.. for the world.. I have to hold my breath….
I still go to that beach and sit alone…
Whenever I am alone with the beating of my heart…
I remember things too easily forgotten….